San Jose City College

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Progressive passive forms consists of a FINITE form of BE + BEING + the PAST PARTICIPLE
of the main verb.

     am/is/are being tested
     was/were being tested

Progressive passive forms are used only with simple present and past tenses.
Use the correct progressive passive form of the verb in the left column. The FINITE FORM OF THE AUXILIARY VERB BE will depend on the time frame of other verbs. If you need an example or help with any item, type a question mark in the frame and hit enter.

repair I can't send any emails. My computer .
charge / rob When Mike saw he $50 for an overdrawn check, he felt he .
paint / replace Jean can't work in her office today. The walls and the carpet .
consider Lisa has just been interviewed at IBM. She for a management position.
question The two teenagers seemed very scared as they by the police.
treat Marcus was very courageous while he for leukemia.
harm Children every day by their high-fat diets.
credit The two comedians, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, for contributing to the demise of the Republican party.
replay Clips from their shows nightly on television.
