url : 'getmin.php',
multiplier: 2,
minTimeout: 1000 // 1 second
}, function (data) {
As returned data is the same within several polling cycles, Smartupdater doesn't update the data in browser. Click "Clear data" button and see, that view is updated only once in a minute, not on every cycle.
Option multiplier
" is set to "2" (it's default, I added the line only for demo purpose),
so each time server returns not modified data,
Smartupdater doubles it's polling period (in this example minTimeout is set 1 sec).
Within 1 minute it is:
2 sec, 4 sec, 8 sec, 16 sec, 32 sec. Then data is changed and Smartupdater set polling
period to "minTimeout".
"multiplier" can be set not only as integer, but as a fractional number, say, 1.25 or 2.5
To disable this feature, set "multiplier : 1"