Spelling Patterns for / aI/ as in Hi!
The long vowel /aI/ can have the following spelling patterns: _i_e as in kite; _ie as in pie; _igh as in high; _uy as in buy; _ei_ as in height; and _y_ as in type.
Listen to the phrases and spell the words with this vowel sound. (After three tries, type a question mark in the frame and hit enter.)
to of to a to to a fall from a great stars in the a a statue a long a old man Two cars . has . Please the old . the a a for to be on a to establish a a you later to an offer to be to drugs to your hair Mike is not a great . He's a . not . to medicine a school a building for a a of bread to have poor to your to on a ladder to the barbed to about a The most of people are and .