![]() The following sentences have spelling errors. Find the word that is misspelled, try to spell it correctly, and then click the word to see if you guessed correctly. Some sentences have multiple errors. Find them all. Always keep a list of words you misspell and learn the correct spelling. |
28. | An ordinary person can do something symilarsimilar to what Pat Tillman did. |
29. | He kept himself busy swipingsweeping the floor and cleaning the lobby. |
30. | I knew my co-workers were telling layslies and cheating. |
31. | I thoughthought that he just needed company. |
32. | In China I had a higher position with benefits and a familier envirnomentfamiliar environment. |
33. | I realized it was time for me to secrificesacrifice to help my son. |
34. | I had to give a formal case presentation in front of my colleagues at a cientificscientific meeting. |
35. | You rarely lose if your comicbionsconvictions are strong. |
36. | My dad was happy because I was on my way to building a prosopereprosperous future. |
37. | I always encourage my children to clearifyclarify their ideas. |
38. | The first value that I will certanlycertainly pass on to my children is care and respect for elders. |
39. | The next day, I fell into depression. I couldn't eat, sleep, or do my dutysduties. |
40. | By helping me find a job at that moment, he relefedrelieved me of stress. |
41. | If you pay for education, you will value all the efferteffort you make. |
42. | A lot of people expendspend thousnadsthousands of dollars going to famous universities. |
43. | Governor Arnold SuatsseneggerSchwarzenegger, instedinstead of decresingdecreasing tuition, cut some funds for educational programs. |
44. | I left my wife and son in Mexico, and I can't afordafford to continue my education as I have to suportsupport my family. |
45. | SometimeSometimes I don't have enough money to pay my bills and I'm berlybarely making it. |
46. | My father is lending me money until I can graduate as an atomotive tecnichionautomotive technician. |
47. | I applied for financial aid but wasn't cualifiedqualified because my incomincome tax was high and I didn't have any proveproof that I was suportingsupporting a kid in Mexico. |
48. | Many community college students have a lot of deatsdebts before they finish school. |
49. | Schools need a lot of resoursesresources to run good programs. |
50. | Many students struglestruggle to pass their courses. |
51. | Every day in the news papernewspaper, I see how we are spending a lot of money killing people in Iraq and how the president is cutting beneficesbenefits for poor people. |
52. | I am a poor and intelligent student, and I have gotten a fee waverwaiver, which covers all of my tuition and fees. NoteThe noun comes from the verb to waive fees. |
53. | My co-worker could not listen to different openionsopinions. |
54. | They lack education because they can notcannot afford to pay for it. |
55. | You might looselose a good chance if you cannot take advicesadvice from co-workers. NoteLose is a verb; loose is an adjective. The second spelling mistake is a noun ending error. Advice is non-count. Never pluralize it. |